Discover the Secrets of Properly How to Storing Cigars Without a Humidor and Preserve Their Aroma and Freshness

How to store cigars without a humidor

Discover the Secrets of Properly How to Storing Cigars without a Humidor and Preserve Their Aroma and Freshness

Storing cigars properly is essential to maintain their quality and flavor. While a humidor is the ideal storage solution, not everyone has one readily available. However, there are alternative methods you can try to keep your cigars fresh and flavorful without a humidor.

1. Use a Ziplock Bag and a Damp Sponge

If you don’t have a humidor, you can create a makeshift storage environment using a ziplock bag and a damp sponge. Place the cigars inside the ziplock bag and dampen the sponge with distilled water. Make sure the sponge is damp, not wet. Put the damp sponge in the ziplock bag, seal it tightly, and store it in a cool and dark place. The sponge will create a small amount of humidity, which will help prevent the cigars from drying out.

2. Utilize a Sealed Container

Another option is to use a sealed container, such as a Tupperware or a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Place a small dish or container filled with distilled water inside the sealed container. Make sure the water container is not in direct contact with the cigars to avoid the risk of them getting wet. The water will slowly evaporate, creating a humid environment for the cigars. Remember to check the water levels regularly and refill as needed.

3. Try a Cellophane Wrap

If you have individual cellophane wrappers for your cigars, you can also use them to help maintain humidity. Wrap each cigar individually in the cellophane and store them in a cool and dark place. The cellophane will act as a barrier to prevent moisture loss and protect the cigars from damage. However, be mindful that storing cigars in cellophane for an extended period may affect their flavor.


While using a humidor is the best way to store cigars, it’s not the only option. By utilizing alternative storage methods such as ziplock bags, sealed containers, and cellophane wraps, you can still keep your cigars fresh and flavorful for a short period without a humidor. Remember to monitor the humidity levels and make necessary adjustments to ensure your cigars stay in optimal condition.

Choosing the Right Container

When it comes to storing cigars without a humidor, choosing the right container is crucial. The container you choose should provide an airtight and secure environment that can help maintain the freshness and flavor of the cigars.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a container:


Look for a container that has a tight-fitting lid or seal to ensure minimal air exchange. This will help preserve the quality of the cigars and prevent them from drying out.


Consider the number of cigars you want to store and choose a container that can accommodate them comfortably. It’s essential to leave enough space between the cigars for air circulation.

Additionally, a container that is too large can create uneven humidity levels, possibly affecting the cigars’ condition.


Opt for a container made from a durable material such as wood, metal, or glass. Avoid plastic containers as they can absorb odors and affect the flavor of the cigars.

Here are a few container options to consider:

– Mason jars: These jars provide an airtight seal and are readily available.

– Tupperware containers: Choose containers with airtight lids to maintain the humidity level.

– Sealable food storage bags: These bags can be a convenient and affordable option for short-term storage.

– Wooden cigar boxes: If you have access to wooden cigar boxes, these can be repurposed for storing cigars without a humidor.

Remember, regardless of the container you choose, it’s essential to monitor the humidity levels regularly and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the cigars remain in optimal condition.

Preparing the Container

When storing cigars without a humidor, it’s important to find a suitable container that can maintain a stable environment for your cigars. Here are steps to help you prepare the container:

1. Choose the Right Container

Select a container that is airtight to prevent air from entering or exiting. Mason jars, Tupperware containers, or airtight food storage containers are good options.

2. Clean the Container

Before using the container, make sure it is thoroughly cleaned and free of any debris or odors. You can wash it with warm water and mild soap, and then rinse it thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

3. Add a Moisture Source

Cigars need proper humidity levels to maintain their quality. Place a small damp sponge or a piece of distilled water-soaked cloth at the bottom of the container. Be careful not to make it too wet, as it can damage the cigars.

4. Add a Temperature Regulator

Avoid storing cigars in extreme temperatures, as it can affect their flavor and quality. You can place a thermometer in the container to monitor the temperature and make sure it stays within the optimal range.

5. Create a Divider

If you are storing different types or sizes of cigars together, consider creating a divider using cedar wood or cardboard. This will help prevent any flavors from mixing and maintain the cigars’ individual characteristics.

With these steps, you can create an environment in the container that mimics a humidor and provide a suitable storage solution for your cigars.

Creating a Homemade Humidor

If you don’t have a traditional humidor on hand, you can create a makeshift one using materials you likely already have at home. Follow these steps to make your own homemade humidor:

Materials Instructions
Airtight container Choose a container that is airtight and large enough to hold your cigars. This could be a plastic or glass container with a sealable lid.
Humidification device Find a small container or sponge that will fit inside the airtight container. This will be used to hold water and maintain humidity.
Hygrometer Get a hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels inside the makeshift humidor. This will help you keep track of the conditions and make any necessary adjustments.
Cigars Of course, you will need cigars to store in your homemade humidor. Make sure they are properly sealed and ready for storage.

Once you have gathered all the necessary materials, follow these steps:

  1. Place the humidification device, such as a small container or sponge, into the airtight container.
  2. Add distilled water to the humidification device, making sure it is moist but not soaking wet.
  3. Place the hygrometer inside the airtight container as well, ensuring it is easily visible.
  4. Place the sealed cigars on top of the humidification device, making sure they are not touching the sides of the container.
  5. Close the lid tightly, creating an airtight seal.
  6. Store the makeshift humidor in a cool, dark place with a consistent temperature.
  7. Regularly check the hygrometer to monitor the humidity levels and adjust as needed by adding more water to the humidification device.

By following these steps, you can create a temporary homemade humidor to store your cigars and maintain their freshness and flavor.

Using Boveda Packs

One popular option for storing cigars without a humidor is using Boveda packs. Boveda packs are specially designed to control and maintain the humidity levels inside a container, ensuring that your cigars remain fresh and in optimal condition.

To use Boveda packs, follow these steps:

1. Choose the Right Pack

Boveda packs come in different humidity levels, typically ranging from 65% to 75%. It’s important to select the right pack based on your personal preference and the type of cigars you have. As a general guideline, most cigars are best stored at around 70% humidity.

2. Prepare Your Container

Before placing the Boveda pack in your chosen container, ensure that it is clean and free from any odors. You can use a Tupperware container, a sealable bag, or even an airtight jar. Make sure the container is large enough to hold your cigars comfortably.

3. Place the Boveda Pack

Once your container is ready, simply place the Boveda pack inside. If you have multiple cigars, you may want to use more than one pack to ensure the humidity is evenly distributed. Ensure that the packs do not come into direct contact with the cigars to avoid any potential moisture transfer.

Note: Boveda packs are not rechargeable, so it’s important to replace them when they become dry and lose their flexibility. This typically occurs after a few months, depending on the ambient humidity conditions.

Using Boveda packs is a convenient and reliable method for storing cigars without a humidor. It allows you to maintain the appropriate humidity levels, preserving the flavor and quality of your cigars until you’re ready to enjoy them.

Remember, proper storage is essential for maintaining the freshness and taste of your cigars. While using a humidor is the ideal solution, Boveda packs offer a viable alternative for short-term storage or when a humidor is not readily available.

Storing Cigars in a Ziploc Bag

If you don’t have a humidor available, you can still store your cigars in a Ziploc bag to maintain their freshness and prevent them from drying out. Here’s how:

1. Find a sealable Ziploc bag that is large enough to fit your cigars comfortably without cramming them together. Make sure the bag is clean and free of any lingering odors.

2. Prepare a humidification device, such as a small sponge or a Boveda packet. If using a sponge, dampen it with distilled water and then squeeze out any excess moisture until it is slightly damp. If using a Boveda packet, simply place it inside the bag.

3. Place the cigars inside the Ziploc bag, making sure they are not tightly packed together. Leave some breathing room between each cigar to allow for air circulation.

4. If using a sponge, place it inside the bag alongside the cigars. If using a Boveda packet, place it on top of the cigars. The humidification device will help maintain the correct level of humidity within the bag.

5. Squeeze out as much air as possible from the bag before sealing it tightly. This will help create a more airtight environment for the cigars.

6. Store the Ziploc bag in a cool, dark place with a relatively stable temperature. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or near any heat sources, as this could cause the cigars to dry out or become damaged.

7. Check on the cigars periodically to ensure they are maintaining their freshness. If the sponge feels dry or the Boveda packet is no longer pliable, it may be time to replenish the humidity by adding a damp sponge or replacing the Boveda packet.

By following these steps, you can store your cigars in a Ziploc bag and keep them fresh for a short period of time. However, it’s important to note that this method is not as effective or long-lasting as using a proper humidor. If you plan on storing cigars for an extended period or are looking for a more reliable solution, investing in a humidor is highly recommended.

Storing Keep Cigars Fresh in a Tupperware Container

If you don’t have a humidor, a Tupperware container can be a great alternative for storing cigars. Here are some steps to follow when using a Tupperware container:

  1. Choose the right size container: Select a container that is large enough to accommodate your cigars without them being too tightly packed. Make sure to leave some space for airflow.
  2. Add a humidification device: To create the ideal humidity level for storing cigars, you will need to include a humidification device in the Tupperware container. This could be a small sponge or a humidification packet specifically designed for cigars. Make sure the device is placed away from direct contact with the cigars to avoid any moisture damage.
  3. Prepare the container: Clean the Tupperware container thoroughly and ensure it is completely dry before using it to store your cigars. Any residual smells from the container can transfer to the cigars, so it’s important to keep it clean.
  4. Organize the cigars: Place the cigars inside the container, making sure they are not touching each other. You can use a piece of cedar or Spanish cedar sheets to separate the cigars, as cedar helps to maintain humidity levels and adds flavor to the cigars.
  5. Close the container: Seal the Tupperware container tightly to maintain the humidity. Check the container periodically to ensure it remains airtight.
  6. Monitor the humidity: Use a hygrometer to keep an eye on the humidity levels inside the Tupperware container. The ideal humidity range for storing cigars is between 65% and 70%. If the humidity levels drop, you may need to add more water to the humidification device.

Remember, while a Tupperware container can work as a temporary solution, it is not as effective as a dedicated humidor for long-term cigar storage. However, by following these steps, you can ensure that your cigars remain in good condition until you can invest in a proper humidor.

Storing Cigars in a Coolerdor Hygrometer

If you don’t have a traditional humidor, a coolerdor can be a great alternative for storing cigars. A coolerdor is essentially a cooler that has been modified to create a suitable environment for cigar storage. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to turn a cooler into a coolerdor:

  1. Choose the right cooler: Look for a cooler that has a good seal and is large enough to accommodate your cigar collection.
  2. Clean the cooler: Before using the cooler as a coolerdor, make sure to clean it thoroughly to remove any dirt or odors.
  3. Prepare the interior: Line the interior of the cooler with Spanish cedar, which is the preferred lining material for humidors. You can use cedar panels, cedar sheets, or cedar trays to line the cooler.
  4. Add a humidification system: Place a humidification device, such as a humidification puck or a humidifier, inside the cooler to maintain the desired humidity level.
  5. Monitor and maintain humidity: Use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity level inside the coolerdor. Make sure to keep the humidity level between 65% and 75% to prevent cigars from drying out or becoming too moist.
  6. Organize your cigars: Arrange your cigars neatly inside the coolerdor, making sure to leave enough space between them for air circulation.
  7. Close the cooler: Seal the cooler tightly to create a controlled environment for your cigars.

Storing cigars in a coolerdor provides a simple and affordable solution for those who don’t have a traditional humidor. With proper preparation and maintenance, a coolerdor can keep your cigars in optimal condition for an extended period of time.

Monitoring Humidity Levels

When storing cigars without a humidor, it is important to monitor the humidity levels to ensure that your cigars are kept in the optimal conditions. Without proper humidity, cigars can dry out or become too moist, affecting their flavor and quality.

One way to monitor humidity levels is by using a hygrometer. A hygrometer is a device that measures the humidity in the air. It is essential for keeping track of the moisture levels in your cigar storage setup.

There are various types of hygrometers available on the market, including analog and digital options. Analog hygrometers use a needle to indicate the humidity level, while digital hygrometers provide a more precise reading through a digital display.

When placing a hygrometer in your storage container, make sure it is located in a spot where it can accurately measure the overall humidity. Avoid placing it too close to the cigars themselves, as their presence can affect the readings.

Once you have your hygrometer in place, regularly check the humidity levels and make adjustments as needed. If the humidity is too low, you can increase it by adding a small damp sponge or a piece of distilled water-soaked cloth to the container. On the other hand, if the humidity is too high, you can remove some of the excess moisture by leaving the container open for a while.

Remember that the ideal humidity range for storing cigars is typically between 65% and 72%. Maintaining humidity within this range will help preserve the flavor, aroma, and overall quality of your cigars.

Hygrometer Type Pros Cons
Analog Hygrometer Simple to use Less precise
Digital Hygrometer More accurate readings Might require batteries

Question-answer: How to store cigars without a humidor

What is a cigar humidor and how does it help keep cigars fresh?

 A cigar humidor is a container designed to maintain a constant level of humidity, typically between 65-75%, which helps cigars stay fresh and prevents them from drying out or becoming too moist.

How long do premium cigars last in a properly maintained humidor?

 Premium cigars can last indefinitely in a properly maintained humidor, as long as they are kept at the correct humidity level and temperature.

What is the ideal relative humidity for storing cigars in a humidor?

The ideal relative humidity for storing cigars in a humidor is between 65-75%, as this range helps keep the cigars moist and prevents them from drying out or becoming too damp.

How often should a cigar smoker check and adjust the humidity level in their humidor?

 A cigar smoker should check and adjust the humidity level in their humidor regularly, at least once a week, to ensure that it stays within the ideal range.

Can cigars stay fresh outside of a humidor?

 Cigars can stay fresh outside of a humidor for a short period if stored properly in a sealed plastic bag with a humidification device, such as a damp sponge or paper towel.

How does relative humidity affect the freshness of cigars?

Relative humidity plays a crucial role in keeping cigars fresh, as it helps maintain the right moisture content in the tobacco leaves, preventing them from drying out or becoming too moist.

What are some common mistakes cigar smokers make when trying to keep their cigars fresh?

Common mistakes include not properly seasoning a new humidor, not maintaining the humidity level, and storing cigars in an environment with fluctuating temperatures and humidity.

How can a cigar smoker extend the freshness of their cigars when traveling?

 When traveling, a cigar smoker can use a travel humidor cigars safely or a sealed plastic bag with a humidification device to keep their cigars fresh.

What should a cigar smoker do if they notice their cigars have dried out?

 If cigars have dried out, a cigar smoker can try to rehydrate them by placing them in a humidor at the correct humidity level for several weeks. However, the quality of the cigars may be compromised.

What are the best ways to keep cigars fresh without a humidor?

 Cigars can be kept fresh without a new cigars humidor by using a sealed plastic bag with storing their cigars a humidification device, such as a damp sponge or paper towel.

How long can cigars last without a humidor?

 Cigars can last for a few days to a few weeks without a humidor, depending on the properly store ambient humidity and temperature.

What is the ideal humidity and temperature for storing cigars?

The ideal humidity for storing cigars is between 65-75%, and the ideal temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

How should cigars be stored inside a humidor?

 Cigars should be stored inside a humidor at the correct humidity and temperature, typically store the cigars between 65-75% humidity and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

What is the best way to store cigars on the go?

When traveling, cigars can be stored in a travel humidor or a sealed plastic bag with a humidification device to keep them fresh.

How can over-humidified cigars be saved?

 Over-humidified cigars can be saved by removing them from the humid environment and allowing them to dry out slowly in a cool, dry place.

How should cigars be stored in tupperware?

Cigars can be stored in a tupperware container with a humidification device to maintain the correct humidity level.

How can a cigar smoker protect their cigars from damage?

Cigar smokers can protect their cigars from damage by storing them in a humidor or a sealed plastic bag with a humidification device.

What are the ideal cigar storage conditions?

 The ideal cigar storage conditions include maintaining way to store your cigars a humidity level of 65-75% and a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

How can a cigar smoker create an improvised humidor?

 An improvised humidor can be created by using a sealed container with a humidification device, such as a damp sponge or paper towel, to maintain the correct humidity level.

How can a cigar smoker determine if their cigars are too moist?


 A cigar smoker can determine if their cigars are too moist by gently squeezing them. If they protect cigars feel spongy or soft, they may be too moist and need to be dried out slightly.